It was a very sunny morning in Chicago. Flat Farnsworth's head and I started off our day by arriving at Harpo Studios! We took many pictures as we saw people in suits walking in and out of the building.
Our Next stop was to visit our old friend Bob Newhart. He recently got tired of the view he had at Navy Pier, so he picked up his sofa's and moved to a much better part of Navy Pier. It is quite an amazing view!
Our third stop of the day was The Webster house! Located at 1432 North State Parkway. We took a quick picture from the side of the house because people where staring at us out of the windows.
The Family Matters house is located at 1516 W. Wrightwood Avenue. I never knew it was so close to my house! We were pretty excited to arrive here! I grew up watching Family Matters with my brother, and we still watch it from time to time!
Do you remember our old friend Bob Newhart we visited earlier? Well this is the Thorndale! It is the apartment building used as the external shots of Bob's apartment in his show! Flat Farnsworth and I decided to get close to the apartments and we got kicked out. We did manage to take a quick picture with the main entrance wall.
Our Very final stop of the Night was to WTTW PBS 11 Located at 5400 N St. Louis Avene. We arrived there at 10 pm and The workers where barely leaving the facility. The car lot was still very full. I love Channel 11, my parents would have my siblings and I watch the cartoons in the morning and the documentaries/ adult shows in the afternoon. This was our only way to learn english being that I am from a spanish speaking household. I never fully learned english until recently. The foundation to my learning still is PBS/ WTTW. Flat Farnsworth was pretty exhausted and very hungry.. He flew away after this picture was taken :(